The atmosphere at drupa 2016, the world’s biggest and most important trade fair for print and crossmedia solutions, can hardly be topped: the investment climate is extremely good and has far exceeded all expectations. As the 11-day trade fair draws to a close the 1,837 exhibitors from 54 countries unanimously reported excellent business deals, extremely promising contacts and a positive spirit for the global print industry. The re-positioning of drupa and its focus on future themes with strong growth potential – such as 3D printing, functional printing or packaging printing – proves to be a real asset. Be it publication, commercial, packaging or industrial printing – printing technology offers matching solutions for all of these applications while opening up new lines of business and business models at the same time.
This year´s drupa has again been a great platform for us to demonstrate that we deliver the right solutions for our customers´ applications – be they folding carton, flexible material, labels or corrugated board.
Kevin Goeminne, CEO of CHILI publish
drupa gave us the opportunity to meet people we have only been in contact with via mail or phone and to strengthen existing contacts in real life. CHILI publish is looking forward to the next edition of drupa and will make sure to show many more innovations by then!
Dr. Markus Heering, Managing director VDMA Druck- und Papiertechnik
Not only our own VDMA stand got an enormous respones, our member companies also gave us the feedback that the quality of conversations they had and the numner of lead and new orders were extremely positive.
Karl Fritchen, President QuadTech
There is no better place than drupa to connect with those markets, and take advantage of the bright spotlight. Not only was the quantity of show visitors very high for us, but also the quality.
Duncan Ferguson, Executive Director, Professional Printing & Robotics, Epson Europe
We have had a very successful show with significant orders from companies around the globe, particularly for the SureColor SC-S signage range, which has led us to increase production to meet demand.
Francois Martin, worldwide marketing director HP Graphics Solutions Business, HP Inc
drupa 2016 has been a landmark show for HP. [...] with sales not only surpassing 2012 results by 20%, but exceeding our 2016 ambitious goals by 25% overall. drupa continues to be the most relevant industry event for innovation.
Post Show Report
All figures and further impressions as pdf-download!